The Reverse Logistic Process of an Automobile Supply Chain Network Supported by a Collaborative Decision-Making Model

Jorge E. Hernández, Raúl Poler, Josefa Mula, Francisco C. Lario

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

23 Scopus citations


Decision system technologies have long since been a strong support to model and solve planning complexities in the supply chain in a collaborative context. Moreover, one of the main topics to emerge is reverse logistics, which is becoming more relevant in supply chains in terms of the logistics process of removing new or used products from their initial point. Therefore, to present the main aspects that should be considered to share the decision information, which is already used among the members of the supply chain, a study of reverse logistics has been carried out to discover how decision-making activities support the process in supply chains. Furthermore, a simulation experiment has been performed with both the DGRAI 3.0 tool and Rockwell Arena 11® to observe the quality evolution of decision making and the economical impact that the proposed collaborative model will have on the current system. Moreover, this research work shows that a clear impact will appear on the decisional quality at the bottom levels of the supply chain than on the decisional quality of the whole system. The main work hypothesis is that the logistic process costs must lower given the implementation of the proposed collaborative model.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)79-114
Number of pages36
JournalGroup Decision and Negotiation
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2011
Externally publishedYes


  • Collaborative decision-making model
  • Reverse logistics
  • Simulation
  • Supply chain management


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