Intrinsic universality in automata networks III: On symmetry versus asynchrony

Martín Ríos-Wilson, Guillaume Theyssier

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


An automata network is a finite assembly of interconnected entities endowed with a set of local maps defined over a common finite alphabet. These relationships are represented through an interaction graph. Together with the local functions, an assignment known as an update scheme directs the evolution of the network by updating specific subsets of entities at discrete time steps. Despite the scrutiny of interaction graphs and update schemes, their profound impact on automata network dynamics remains largely open. This work investigates the intricate interplay between these aspects, with a focus on how update schemes can counterbalance constraints stemming from symmetric local interactions. This paper is the third of a series about intrinsic universality, a notion that assesses both dynamical and computational complexity, encompassing transient behaviors, attractors, and prediction or reachability problems. We consider four update modes—parallel, block-sequential, local clocks, and general periodic— along with several families of symmetric signed conjunctive boolean networks defined by local constraints on signs. Our main result is to show a diagonal complexity leap in this two-dimensional landscape: the stronger the local constraints the higher the level of asynchrony required to obtain intrinsic universality or increase in complexity. We also show how in some cases asynchronism allows to simulate directed interactions from undirected ones with the same local rules.

Original languageEnglish
Article number114890
JournalTheoretical Computer Science
StatePublished - 29 Dec 2024
Externally publishedYes


  • Asynchronous updates
  • Automata networks
  • Intrinsic universality
  • Prediction problem
  • Reachability problem


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