Hobbes as a sociobiologist. Rethinking the state of (human) nature

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1 Scopus citations


In the following text we aim to present a proposal of interpretation of Hobbes's work from sociobiology viewpoint. Despite the fact it may strike some at first as an anachronism or straightforward wrong, reading the philosopher of Mamelsbury from a sociobiological perspective, can shed light on some particular aspects of his argument, particularly those referring to the construction of human nature and its influence on the modulation of the state of nature and on the justification of authority and political obligation. So, Hobbes proceeds as a sociobiologist since he offers us a tale about the emergence of morality from where it didn't exist before and moves from there to a specific understanding of political authority.

Original languagePortuguese
Pages (from-to)163-183
Number of pages21
JournalKriterion (Brazil)
Issue number136
StatePublished - 2017
Externally publishedYes


  • Conflict
  • Hobbes
  • Human nature
  • Politics
  • Social contract
  • Sociobiology

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