Antonio candido y el problema de la tradición: El lugar de Oswald de Andrade

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Antonio Candido (1918) has represented a kind of criticism that attempts to associate Latin American literature with the social and cultural context of its production. In this article, we approach Candido's thoughts about the Brazilian literary tradition and how they are linked to the problematic relationship among the metropolitan literary influences, the language of the avant-gardes and the creation of an autonomous literary system -a system that is continuously nourished by the very Brazilian literary production, reaching a certain level of cultural autonomy. For this, we review a set of Candido's comments on the narrative of Oswald de Andrade, in which all these factors are displayed in a dynamic of tension.

Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)77-94
Number of pages18
JournalRevista Chilena de Literatura
Issue number88
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2014
Externally publishedYes

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