Analysis of soot propensity in combustion processes using optical sensors and video magnification

Hugo O. Garcés, Andrés Fuentes, Pedro Reszka, Gonzalo Carvajal

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Scopus citations


Industrial combustion processes are an important source of particulate matter, causing significant pollution problems that affect human health, and are a major contributor to global warming. The most common method for analyzing the soot emission propensity in flames is the Smoke Point Height (SPH) analysis, which relates the fuel flow rate to a critical flame height at which soot particles begin to leave the reactive zone through the tip of the flame. The SPH and is marked by morphological changes on the flame tip. SPH analysis is normally done through flame observations with the naked eye, leading to high bias. Other techniques are more accurate, but are not practical to implement in industrial settings, such as the Line Of Sight Attenuation (LOSA), which obtains soot volume fractions within the flame from the attenuation of a laser beam. We propose the use of Video Magnification techniques to detect the flame morphological changes and thus determine the SPH minimizing observation bias. We have applied for the first time Eulerian Video Magnification (EVM) and Phase-based Video Magnification (PVM) on an ethylene laminar diffusion flame. The results were compared with LOSA measurements, and indicate that EVM is the most accurate method for SPH determination.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1514
Issue number5
StatePublished - 11 May 2018
Externally publishedYes


  • Applied image processing
  • Diffusion flame
  • Eulerian Video Magnification
  • Phase-based Video Magnification
  • Smoke point


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